Research and Engagement Coordinator at the Civic Hub has joined our team in July - Lia Forma has experience in supporting the work of underserved communities, needs assessment studies, and connecting with a range of experiences in kind and compassionate ways. She is currently assembling an Advisory Group of community minded folks who are already with the Hub partner groups and some who are not, for the post-pandemic direction setting for the Hub and for the broader community of equity seeking groups and initiatives.
civic hub
Civic Hub Research Advisory Group In the Making
Activating Energy and Ideas
“Civic Hub is a collaborative and inclusive space,
where grassroots innovation and advocacy is anchored,
where faces go with names, and
where energy and ideas are activated.”
Civic Hub enthusiasts adopted the vision for the Civic Hub on March 11th meeting. We hope to ensure collaboration on longterm solutions to social and economic challenges in the region through a common mandate: grassroots capacity building, sharing of resources and skills, streamlining promotion and recruitment for social justice advocacy, building opportunities for true inclusion and dialogue across diversity.