Bill 23 - Impact on Municipal and Regional Affordable Housing Plans

Nov 3 2022

The concerns about Bill 23, the "More Homes Built Faster Act” continue to grow. Municipalities across Ontario have expressed deep reservations about its impact, especially right after the elections. Social Development Centre and other organizations in the province identified a range of concerns regarding measures that will actually prevent creation of the affordable hosuing we need. The Bill will: cut funding to municipal affordable housing programs (read more), reduce the amount of affordable housing new developments have to provide through inclusionary zoning, undermine programs that protect existing affordable housing and tenants rights, shift taxes from developers to ordinary households and municipal revenues. Read the letter to the Ontario Government that many organizations in Ontario are signing to ask the province to address these concerns. Please take a moment to sign the letter on behalf of your organization, and pass this along to your networks. Affordable housing is too important and we can't afford to get it wrong.

In The Penal Colony Recitation

Oct 26 2022
in the penal colony
IN THE PENAL COLONY recitation by Kevin White on November 8-10 at the Registry Theater. "The apparatus of the colony is not merely the execution device, but the presence of the system of colonialism that exists in speech, in thought, and in the physical reality the characters experience." If you are intrigued come to this recitation and also help raise money for the Social Development Centre Waterloo Region.

29th Year of Festival of Neighbourhoods!

Oct 20 2022

FON Annual Celebration 2022Can you marvel the perseverance of the initiative that started in 1994 and still finds ways to reinvent itself? One of its founders, John MacDonald says: “It’s about creating opportunities for each of us, by growing relations and understanding with everyone around us. When we reach out and meet others we create better conditions for each and all of us, and it has a multiplier effect. Propinquity may seem a silly word, but it’s a basic measure of quality in our neighbourhoods and in our daily lives. Simple actions and simple gatherings of strangers have proven and positive results.” Join the 29th Annual Celebration on November 20th at 1pm at the Kitchener City Hall with over 40 neighbourhoods coming together as Pros in Propinquity. We will unveil the Inclusion Award 2022 and have a number of $500 Welcome Back prizes to draw. You can register on

SDC Ride for Refuge October 1st

Ride for Refuge 2022On October 1st, we are hosting our first Ride for Refuge fundraising event. We would love for you to join - ride or walk with us and then share a light meal. 

Ride for Refuge is a family-friendly, in-person fundraising ride/walk in support of charities that help people needing refuge from danger, hardship, and abuse. Across Canada on RIDE Day, people gather in solidarity with all who are affected by a callous world that ignores their pain, their needs, and their great potential. The World Needs Refuge, and we need your help as we bring refuge to our region. 

NEW Study: Displacement in Kitchener’s Inner Suburbs

Sep 26 2022

Displacement in inner suburbsDisplacement in Kitchener’s Inner Suburbs: Experiences and perspectives from low-income tenants: A key aim of this report is to centre the experiences of low-income tenants, focusing on their day-to-day experiences and the knowledge that they have about changes in their buildings and wider communities. Too often, these voices are omitted from mainstream planning and policy debates. By assembling and amplifying these voices, we can shift beyond isolated stories and anecdotes in order to identify trends which shape the lives of communities that are rarely heard. We thank you University of Waterloo and City of Kitchener for their collaboration.

Eviction Prevention Posting - Boost for the Three Cities

Sep 15 2022

We are offering an initial three-month contract with 15 hours per week at $25 per hour to be filled as of October 1st until December 31st 2022. A monthly transit pass and/or gas expenses covered.

We currently have two eviction prevention peer-workers in Kitchener-Waterloo and Cambridge supporting tenants from underserved populations, particularly BIPOC and 2SLGBTQ+. The worker will coordinate the tasks with the two colleagues and focus most of their time within the City of Waterloo communities.

Civic Hub Research Advisory Group In the Making

Aug 19 2022

Research and Engagement Coordinator at the Civic Hub has joined our team in July - Lia Forma has experience in supporting the work of underserved communities, needs assessment studies, and connecting with a range of experiences in kind and compassionate ways. She is currently assembling an Advisory Group of community minded folks who are already with the Hub partner groups and some who are not, for the post-pandemic direction setting for the Hub and for the broader community of equity seeking groups and initiatives.  

Kitchener's Lived Expertise Working Group Priorities 2022

Jul 14 2022

The 12 members of the Lived Expertise Working Group started working together in May. They set their own rules for working together, the Space Agreement, to allow for safe and honest sharing of the knowledge and experiences. They come from diverse backgrounds, yet, share passion for the human right to housing. In July, after the orientation to the City of Kitchener's Housing Strategy, Social Development Centre's Lifelong Engagement approach, and the city and the regional government responsibilities, they went through a convergence exercise to determine their priorities for the year ahead: advocating for supports to people living in encampments and contributing to closer collaboration among different levels of government on housing. 

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Community Housing Transformation Centre   

cCHALLENGE Pilot Project Wraps Up

Jul 7 2022

cChallenge Banner

Building a strong sense of individual agency can be the first and necessary step in countering the climate change locally. A group of nine participants, undertaking multiple challenges instead of just one, learned and shared over 30 days their successes, challenges, and shifts in thinking about change in the current social, economic, political and multi-cultural contexts. What is the environmental footprint of A Better Tent City? How would diverse meat-eating traditions adjust to the current meat-alternatives inspired food production and consumption? How do we instill new sets of values to the children regarding technology, energy consumption, reusable containers? How do we experience food growing, preparation and enjoyment as spiritual? Why are colder showers so invigorating? The report we are compiling will

Research and Engagement Assistant Position

Jun 27 2022

Civic Hub Waterloo RegionThe SSHRC funded project “Filling the Gap: The role of social engagement hubs in a world changed by COVID-19” is hiring a Civic Hub Community Research Assistant. Filling the Gap addresses the research question: in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, what strategies can social engagement hubs adopt to maximize social inclusion and civic engagement? Through surveys and key informant interviews this project will develop a needs assessment of Civic Hub partner organizations and contribute to development of strategies for community organizing. Applyl by July 10th at midnight by submitting a resume and a statement of interest and join the renewal at the Civic Hub Waterloo Region!  We especially encourage applications from the Civic Hub members and/or individuals from underrepresented groups.