VisitAble Housing Initiative In Kitchener-Waterloo

Jan 30 2014

Visitability Project - Collaborative Knowledge Building and Action for Visitable Housing In Canadian Cities has come to Kitchener-Waterloo. Social Planning Council of Kitchener-Waterloo is the local coordinator of the KW Visitability Task Force and will be contributing its longstanding experience and mobilization of knowledge to support the initiative in collaboration with the Canadian Centre for Disability Studies. The first planning meeting of the Task Force is held on January 30th and launches a process that will unfold until September 2015.

Visitability is a "movement to change home construction practices so that virtually all new homes — not merely those custom-built for occupants who currently have disabilities — offer a few specific features making the home easier for mobility-impaired people to live in and visit” (Concrete Change, 2012). Something we can all appreciate as we age or temporarily have diminished mobility or independence to enjoy our homes.

Learn more with the VisitAble housing fact sheet and report.

For more information contact Trudy Beaulne at or 519-579-1096/*3006.

Factsheet on Visitable Housing-2.pdf226.57 KB
Visitability Research Report - Nov 15-1.pdf944.57 KB