Can you marvel the perseverance of the initiative that started in 1994 and still finds ways to reinvent itself? One of its founders, John MacDonald says: “It’s about creating opportunities for each of us, by growing relations and understanding with everyone around us. When we reach out and meet others we create better conditions for each and all of us, and it has a multiplier effect. Propinquity may seem a silly word, but it’s a basic measure of quality in our neighbourhoods and in our daily lives. Simple actions and simple gatherings of strangers have proven and positive results.” Join the 29th Annual Celebration on November 20th at 1pm at the Kitchener City Hall with over 40 neighbourhoods coming together as Pros in Propinquity. We will unveil the Inclusion Award 2022 and have a number of $500 Welcome Back prizes to draw. You can register on
29th Year of Festival of Neighbourhoods!