Social Planning

Positions Open - Interactive Mapping Prototype Project

Jan 2 2020

ON Trillium LogoThe objective of the Ontario Job Creation Program is to support Partnership projects that provide participants with opportunities to gain meaningful work experience, which will improve their long-term employment prospects. Qualified individuals with a university degree or relevant experience, currently on Employment Insurance or having been on Employment Insurance in the last three years, are invited to apply for the positions Urban/Social Planning Research Assistant and GIS Mapping/Web Developer

Civic Hub Meet Up

Jul 20 2018

Small Groups"The Social Development Centre is a Community Service Hub and without the hub the wheel does not spin - it just rolls, wobbles and crashes and the spokes fly around in every direction."  Loralie Broderick, CityWatch of WaterlooRegion

This is a quote from 2015 when many of our collaborators were sending in testimonies to support our funding requests. It sounds true today more than ever. After the First Small Groups Networking forum, we are exploring the universe of the local social innovation spaces to decide how to move forward with a unique idea of bringing small nonprofits together under a shared platform. The space in itself is not the highest priority. The 30 groups that came together in November told us that they seek cross promotion and recruitment from a co-working space. If you are struggling to reach out and connect to the community, consider this short survey and do come and meet with us on the 26th of July at  pm at the Social Development Centre.

Help Us Help Ontario Campaign

Mar 22 2018

Help us help OntarioA much needed minimum wage boost has come to Ontario. The Government recognized the impact of higher labour costs on the small business. The nonprofit sector requires similar consideration! The Social Planning Network of Ontario urges you to tell your MPP and to share the campaign in your networks: Help Us Help Ontario

50th Anniversary & Future Focus

May 15 2017

Welcome Celebration 2016Looking to our past to set direction for our future! The Social Development Centre Waterloo Region (formerly Planning Council of Kitchener-Waterloo\Community Information Centre of Waterloo Region), incorporated in 1967. With a mission to cultivate community knowledge to advance social justice in Waterloo Region, the Centre keeps the community members informed, involved and prepared to act to make positive social change. 

With core values grounded in social justice, participatory democracy, community knowledge, diversity and relationship building, we participate in research on social issues, foster community involvement and information sharing. Our current activities kept a consistent focus over the 50 years.

Benefits for All Ontarians

Feb 13 2017

2017 Pre-budget submission to the Ontario Ministry of Finance: "It is not necessary to undertake a complicated pilot project to prove people are better off with more income. This has already been proven time and again. We urge you to consider the ethics of this plan and to not delay increasing basic assistance to people who face real desperation. Increase or augment social assistance rates to at least 80% of the Low Income Measure and increase Discretionary Benefits to at $15 per person... It is important that the provincial budget reflect what is important for people in a coherent, integrated and understandable way. A piecemeal approach that offers small gains for various groups will not reflect a rational perspective of what is necessary and appropriate for the investment of shared tax dollars to benefit Ontarians individually and collectively." 

Invest in Social Development

Oct 14 2016

System Analysis of Poverty Social Development Centre (SDC WR) has again applied to the City of Kitchener for core funding. This is an important and appropriate investment so SDC WR can maintain its course  addressing social issues that affect the quality of life in Kitchener.  Especially for those community members who are not part of mainstream decision-making.

At SDC WR people matter, regardless of how vocal, tech savvy, or confident they are to participate in the public sphere. ...

Bill 201 and Issue-based Advocacy

Jul 27 2016

The purpose behind the revisions of the Elections Finances Act are the principles of fairness, providing an even playing field, democratic process, transparency and openness. We truly support these principles and want these front and centre in elections and everything related to political life. However, due to the lack of clarity regarding what 'political advertising' includes, the proposed changes are problematic for a community organization such as ours that devotes time to educating and advocating on various social issues. The definition blurs an important line between political partisan activity and issue focused activity. With this definition, at any point in time in the six months prior to an election call and during the election period, community organizations may not be able to address issues or participate in public dialogue on social issues for fear these might become identified with a party or candidate. Read the full submission to the Standing Committee on General Government Regarding Bill 201.

Social: The Last Straw

Jul 22 2016

The Last Straw Board GameHave you ever played the Last Straw board game? Apparently it is a good conversation starter about social conditions that impact our health and chances to lead a decent life. People say it is difficult staying alive in this game. Toronto Public Health published a report "Unequal City" that tracks trends of 34 health indicators in different income groups. A good read before we meet for a game of The Last Straw on August 10th at 3 pm at 74 Frederick Street!

Annual General Meeting June 28

Jun 23 2016

Welcome Celebration 2016We are expecting you on Tuesday June 28th, 2016 at the Hearth Rm, 74 Frederick St. Kitchener. The Annual General Meeting starts at 6pm and at 7pm we will open up a community forum: Progress and Next Stage Action. We have worked together with many partners and allies on the priorities we identified in 2014: Community Social Planning; Strong Neighbourhoods; Poverty; Inclusion; Diversity; Access to Information, Digital Inclusion, Environment. They are evolving year after year and we want to hear from you not only about how the context we live in changes, but how our action needs to transform too.

Host a Kitchen Table Talk this Summer

Jun 30 2015

Kitchen Table Talks 2015We are inviting people to host, record and facilitate kitchen table talks this July and August in Kitchener-Waterloo. We continue exploration of the ways in which we can support decent living for everyone right there where we live and work. Kitchen Table Talks are small groups of friends, family, peers and neighbours, brought together in a familiar location and taking part in an exciting conversation. For information about the kitchen table talks and how you can get involved contact Trudy Beaulne at Take a look at the Kitchen Table Talk Flyer and Hosts' Kit!