The Many Faces of Displacement provincial project is well on its way in collaboration with the Social Planning Network of Ontario. Each of the regions involved in the project are close to finishing gathering stories of displacement and eviction in their communities, York Region, Cornwall and Area, Kingston and Oxford County. All of the regions gather weekly to discuss the stories they are hearing and the themes that are coming up repeatedly, as well as the similarities and differences they are seeing across the regions. Each region has also gathered a group of tenants and people interested in tenant advocacy, to come together to strengthen tenant voices in their respective communities. We have planned various trainings for these groups, including good practices working with lived experts and tenant organizing provided by the Social Development Centre Waterloo Region. Tenant supports and advocacy are crucial next steps for Waterloo Region as well. Get in touch with us if you have comments, suggestions or time to support tenant-led initiatives.
Displacement in Ontario and Tenant Organizing