Pre-budget consultations are underway across Ontario. Standing Committee on Economic and Financial Affairs and the Ministry of Finance are visiting the Region and opening discussions about the investment needed from both the local and the provincial perspective. The Fair Society has to remain one of the priorities in the 2014 Budget, not only to reduce reliance on social services, build the workforce and strengthen Ontario's economy (2013 Ontario Economic Outlook and Fiscal Review), but to make life livable for so many hard working Ontarians, in and outside of the labour force.
Read more about the presentations made by the Poverty Free Kitchener-Waterloo and the Social Planning Council of Kitchener-Waterloo to the Standing Committee on Economic and Financial Affairs on January 13th 2014.
All Party Committee Pre-Budget Consultation in Kitchener
January E-Neighbour: Whacky Festivities to Celebrate with your Neighbours
E-Neighbour is out! Break the winter doldrums with a neighbourhood get-to-gether and check out the New Look of our Neighbourhood Activity Trunk! We are collecting registrations for the first Early Bird Draws until January 14th!
Special Regional Budget Input Session January 7th
Groups and individuals, associated with the Poverty Free Kitchener-Waterloo, participated with dedicated presenters at the special budget public input session at the Waterloo Regional Council. Most were supporting the Council in its requests to the Provincial Government for decent funding of social programs to increase access to discretionary benefits, to increase investment in housing and homelessness related programs, and to make sure that most vulnerable citizens of the Region receive free buss passes. You can hear their presentations at the Council Webcast page- hear them and see how you can join them!
Tax Is Not A Four Letter Word Book Tour
Alex Himelfarb and the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives Ontario are making a stop in Kitchener-Waterloo on January 23 during a cross Province tour in seeding a more balanced discussion on taxes and their role in everyday lives. Take the opportunity to share your take on taxation and public services with one of the authors of the book, as well with local players from different walks of life. Ask the right questions and shape our local conversation for the election years ahead.
Free Computer Coaching and Workshop Series - Starting January 14, 2014
Join our FREE Internet and Information Literacy Workshops. Registration and basic computer skills required. If you have little/no knowledge of computer skills and are interested in learning more, register for our coaching sessions.
See the attached poster for dates, topics and how to register.
Neighbourhood Activity Trunk Holiday Gift
Festival of Neighbourhoods is offering a special Holiday Gift - the first five neighbourhoods to book the trunk before January 1st 2014 will play for FREE! Next five neighbourhoods get a 50% off the booking fee. Our Neighbourhood Activity Trunk has a new look - See the awesome online catalog and book the trunk for you next activity for a reduced fee.
Technology Coaching Sessions Offered Jan to Mar 2014
Need a technology coach?
Whether you have never touched a computer before or you would like to learn more, we can help! During a personalized coaching session, you will learn new or practice your computer and Internet skills with the hands-on help of one of our ConnectKW team members. Click Read More to see a list of topics and how to register for your own coaching session.
Holiday Hours for Community Information and Resource Centre of Waterloo Region and the Social Planning Council of K-W Offices
See the attached file for the holiday hours for the holiday Hours for Community Information and Resource Centre of Waterloo Region and the Social Planning Council of K-W Offices for the rest of December 2013.
Internet & Information Literacy workshops are being offered January – March!
Have you ever wondered if you can trust information you find on the Internet? Need information but aren’t sure how to find it? Do you want to tame Internet information overload? If yes, this workshop series is for you. Click read more for the details of the workshops and how to register.
Poverty Free KW Contribution to the Regional Budget Consultation
Poverty Free Kitchener Waterloo Action-Group has used the Local Framework for Successful Poverty Reduction to address the funding for discretionary benefits, as well as the communication about eligibility of benefits and the need for wider and more inclusive budget consultation process. Watch the archived webcast of the session at the link Council Webcast and read Poverty Free KW submission documents: Local Framework for Poverty Elimination letter and slides.