For many, the holiday season brings out a desire to give back to our community and help those less fortunate than ourselves. We reach out to help in tangible ways such as donating a toy or volunteering to serve a holiday meal. There are many other ways to volunteer time or give to local organizations that can really make a difference in people’s lives. There are many organizations that do great work year round in addition to taking steps to make the holiday season a merry and bright one for those they support. The following are some ways to give and to give back this holiday season, some of which can be done by the whole family!
Giving This Holiday Season
Additional Budget Public Input Session January 9th
Join the conversation on January 9th 2013 at 7pm, at the additional Waterloo Region Budget Public Input Session. Register your presentation before the Regional Council by January 3rd at noon.
Before you do, take a look at what some of the delegations were presenting at the last input session on December 5th that lasted from 6 pm until after 9 pm.
Media Release - Removing Barriers to Create and Inclusive and Accessible Society for All
Monday December 3rd is the United Nations International Day of Persons with Disabilities. The theme for 2012 is: Removing Barriers to Create and Inclusive and Accessible Society for All.
The reality of day to day life with a disability is not easily understood by those of us who do not experience these challenges. We can all become better informed and play a role in removing barriers to inclusion. This December 3rd, take time to consider barriers in our community and how these limit the full participation of many amongst us.
SPC Field Placement student to receive highest civic honour!
The Social Planning Council Kitchener Waterloo is proud to announce that our field placement student, Narine Sookram, is the recipient of the Waterloo Award
The Kitchener-Waterloo Disabilities and Human Rights Group response to the draft AODA Built Environment Standards
The Kitchener-Waterloo Disabilities and Human Rights Group has prepared a document outlining their concerns with the proposed AODA Built Environment Standards. Included are recommendations to ensure the standard is meaningful to the lives of people with disabilities.
Waterloo Region Environmental Networking Event
The Social Planning Council of Kitchener-Waterloo is partnering with local environmental groups to provide a networking opportunity for local groups concerned about environmental issues. Groups are invited to join with others on Wednesday December 5th, 7:00-9:30 pm at St. John the Evangelist Church. There is no cost for this event. Register at:
2012 Festival of Neighbourhoods wraps up with the Finale
Everyone wins when they come together with their neighbours!
Neighbourhood heroes from all over the city gathered on Sunday, October 21st, to celebrate and share their experience to inspire us all to come together with our neighbours. This year we received 77 registrations, with participation from 47 neighbourhoods.
Responses to the Social Assistance Review Report
Here is a compilation of responses to the Social Assistance Review Report, Brighter Prospects: Transforming Social Assistance in Ontario.
2012 Kitchener's Festival of Neighbourhoods Finale
Join us this Sunday, October 21, 2012, from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. at Kitchener City Hall for the 19th Annual Kitchener's Festival of Neighbourhoods Finale.