Many Faces of Displacement in Ontario

Jun 22 2022

Many faces of displacement"Many Faces of Urban and Rural Displacement: Ontario Tenants Organize and Speak Up" a new project of the Social Planning Network of Ontario in partnership with the Centre for Equality Rights and Accommodation and University of Waterloo has been launched with a coordinator in place. Rose Vandermeer actually lives in Kitchener! Now, we are ready to start engaging with local leads! This project is following up on the displacement studies we collaborated on with the University of Waterloo School of Planning and will engage and connect with tenants who have lived experience across Cornwall and area, Kingston and district, Oxford County and the York Region. 

Living Rooms Initiative Lives On

Jun 19 2022

Living Rooms 2021

COVID Safe Spaces - Living Room partnerships project funded by the Canada Healthy Communities Initiatives has come to an end... but it will live on through the two local initiatives Civic Hub Waterloo Region and Kitchener's Festival of Neighbourhoods! We have learned more about safety in a range of communities, beyond COVID safety, namely, physical, cultural, spiritual, emotional, and community safety. Our pop-up spaces were created in collaboration with the SHEN Centre, Peace for All Canada, L'Harmonie Indigenous Garden, Bring on the Sunshine, A Better Tent City, some of the unlikely places for a sofa and a floor lamp to be usual fixtures. Watch the full presentation of the project, and we hope to sit with you on the same sofa soon for an unusual conversation about safe public spaces.

An Honest AGM June 28th

Jun 14 2022

An Honest AGMSDC continues to adapt to the ever-changing context and relationships as the scope and depth of the needs of underserved and underrepresented communities becomes more evident every day.  You can see it in your daily interactions and we continue to provide more research and data, especially on housing and homelessness in Waterloo Region. We need also to take a deeper look at our own capacity to respond to multiple calls for assistance and collaboration, as well as, to determine our sphere of influence with greater precision and clarity. Your input on these topics at the Annual General Meeting will be invaluable - register for June 28th, 6pm-7:30pm on Zoom.

Activities Report 2021 - Financial Report 2021 - Strategic Plan 2021/24 
Board Candidates Info Package 2022 - Become a Member - Donate!

Living Below the Line

Jun 9 2022

Living Below the LineCivic Hub Waterloo Region is the proud host for the development and rehearsals of the anti-poverty engaged theatre production rooted in lived expertise! Living Below the Line is a stereotype-busting work about struggle, resilience and hope, co-created by Watercourse Theatre and fourteen individuals living in poverty. Over the course of five free, regional public presentations between June 17- 25, these new actors will share their stories. Scenes include perspectives on stigma, a mock quiz show, and superheroes! “These stories are important truths, shared from the heart. I am honoured to help bring them to the stage,” says Catherine Frid, Artistic Director of Watercourse Theatre.

Community Climate Justice cChallenge WR

May 17 2022

cChallenge BannercChallenge WR will start June 2nd, and deadline for participants to join is May 30th. This partnership with cChange from Oslo is a response to many conversations about the lack of representation of BIPOC, low income and persons with disabilities in climate related decision making in Waterloo Region. This pilot is about equity and hopes to ignite some lasting change in systems and culture. "By challenging individuals to commit to a single change and encouraging them to reflect on it over 30 days, the cCHALLENGE serves as an experiential learning tool that gives participants a deep understanding into climate change and sustainability...

Welcome Housing Lived Expertise Working Group Members

May 5 2022

Housing Lived Experience Working GroupThe Social Development Centre has partnered with the City of Kitchener to initiate a Lived Expertise Working Group on housing. Over the next two years the working group will be advising the City of Kitchener’s Housing for All Strategy to implement and monitor some of the affordable housing actions and programs that better address the challenges of people experiencing marginalization. 

This working group is a pilot project to model how Lived Expertise engagement can evolve and look like in the future. Building on the City’s desire to ensure representation of those with lived experience, our model of Lived Expertise encompasses advocacy, community accountability, and transformative power. The working group will continue refining this model to make recommendations for other institutions engaging people with lived experience in decision making and hands-on collaboration.

55 AGM Save the Date

Apr 24 2022

Leveling the Playing FieldSDC continues to adapt to the ever-changing context and relationships as the scope and depth of the needs of underserved and underrepresented communities becomes more evident every day.  We need also to take a deeper look at our own capacity to respond to multiple calls for assistance and collaboration, as well as, to determine our sphere of influence with greater precision and clarity. Your input on these topics at the Annual General Meeting will be invaluable - register for June 28th, 6pm-7:30pm on Zoom.

Financial Report 2021 - Strat Plan 2021/24 Board Candidates Info Package 2022 - Become a Member - Donate

Many Faces of Urban and Rural Displacement

Apr 19 2022

SPNOAs a follow up to the displacement studies we collaborated with the University of Waterloo School of Planning, the Social Planning Network of Ontario is launching a call for a coordinator position to implement similar studies in four communities in Ontario - deadline for applications is April 29 2022. Halton Region, Kingston and District, Oxford County and the Region of York will engage and work alongside tenants with lived experience of precarious housing, collecting the narratives of those who have been impacted in both urban and rural settings and mapping instances of eviction and displacement. See the attached project summary that addresses gaps in data and knowledge about displacement in rural and urban settings and development of lived experience leadership and tenant organizing. 

Housing Lived Expertise Working Group Recruitment

Mar 14 2022

LEWG RecruitmentThe City of Kitchener and the Social Development Centre Waterloo Region (SDCWR) are recruiting members for a 2-year pilot project called the Housing Lived Expertise Working Group to support the implementation of the Housing For All strategy. 12 Community Connectors Needed representing underserved groups and communities. Applications due April 1st, 2022. The project is funded and supported by the Community Housing Transformation Centre. 

What will the working group do?

  • Support the implementation and monitoring of the City’s Housing For All Strategy. READ IT HERE! 
  • Advocate for the priorities of underrepresented communities in the City’s decision making around housing and homelessness.
  • Co-create a more ethical model of community engagement that centres lived-expertise.

Response to Ontario's Housing Affordability Task Force

Feb 24 2022

On February 8th 2022, Ontario's Housing Affordability Task Force released a report with 55 recommendations to radically change the Province's approach to development. The Social Development Centre Waterloo Region (SDCWR) has reviewed these recommendations and has two major concerns: omission of affordable housing and significant cuts to public engagement and democratic processes

On Affordable Housing: Despite having affordability in its name, this report does not propose any meaningful recommendations to increase affordable housing in our community. For example, there are no recommendations to build or fund non-market housing, combat the financialization of housing, or address visible/invisible homelessness. This report then offers no support for the folks in our community who are unsheltered,