Life Stories: Point in Time Count of Homeless Sept 21-23

Sep 17 2021

A team of staff and community connectors of our organization are participating in this year’s Point in Time Count of Homeless across the cities in Waterloo Region. Our focus is particularly on ‘hidden homeless’, usually described as couch surfers or sleeping in different beds with friends and acquaintances for prolonger periods of time. Below you can see the distinction we make between hidden homeless and precariously housed residents, and if you know individuals who are currently homeless but not living rough, let us know at or 

Some people would agree to complete the survey for the Pint int Time Count and get a small compensation, while some would just like to connect and talk about their experience or experiences of people they know. Social Development Centre is dedicated to collecting life stories of people impacted to further the advocacy at the regional and provincial level as we strive to amplify and include lived experience voices in all that we do. Qualitative data collected will be published to offer solutions and recommendations anchored in lived expertise and resourcefulness. 


- self-identification

- ongoing episodes of transitional locations/couch surfing 

- not having the means or capacity to secure housing (money, job, ability, health...)

- not having the solutions laid out and within reach months ahead

- being in an unsafe situation physically, psychologically, emotionally, spiritually

- breakdown in relationship with service providers / lack of trust in services based on trauma / service restricted 



- having a lease in their name 

- able to pay rent or arrange arrears agreement

- not in the eviction process at LTB 

- having service supports to deal with harassment, maintenance, health and safety, security issues and are trusting the supports 

- living with a friend or relative and feeling safe, while having means and capacity to resolve their situation through independent housing if they wish